Most of his guests were drunk to the point of “filling up the corners” after a large feast to celebrate his birthday, so Bilbo Baggins thought it time to make a speech. After greeting everyone, he said: Today is my one hundred and eleventh birthday: I am eleventy-one today! I hope you’re enjoying yourselves as […]
Up and Down Again
It seems the good spirits of my last blog post were a little premature. A shortish time after I had got through chronicling how well I was feeling, I noticed a letter in the mail box. The letter was from my surgeon to my endocrinologist, CCd to me, and included my pathology results. Radioactive iodine […]
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Local Government Minister Anthony Albanese today joined the Brisbane Lord Mayor to announce a referendum that will for the first time recognise local government in the Australian Constitution. While the actual wording of the referendum question is yet to be announced ((The draft bill Constitution Alteration (Local Government) 2013 […]
Academic Blergh
I’ve decided to set up a new academic blog for me to ruminate on the big questions I grapple with in my studies and, in the future, my work. I chose the title ‘Blergh’ from one of my favourite TV shows, 30 Rock. For a blog that will mesh my interests in academia, pop culture, […]
What did you say?
“What?” has been Meghan’s favourite phrase this week, as I’ve had a very weak voice but still insist on saying things from different rooms or over noises like the dishwasher or television. Other than that, I’m recovering well. I’ve had some swelling in the last few days, and a bit of nausea to boot, but […]
I’ve noticed what might be called a ‘long-tail‘ of search referrals from people looking for information on content analysis. As a result, I’ve decided to write up my experiences with content analysis in some detail in this post. For a brief primer on what content analysis actually is, please see this Wikipedia page. My introduction […]
Blergh Continued
Predictably, following surgery I’m feeling even more unwell than I was last week. But there are some immediate upsides too. Aside from the pain in my neck, I have a pretty nasty cough and apparently my left vocal chord isn’t working because the laryngeal nerve was “stretched” to give room for the tumour to be […]
Blergh. That’s how I’ve been feeling for the last week or so. And this, too: Can’t sleep but always tired. Can’t concentrate. Feel like I’m going to be sick after eating. Getting light-headed. Heavy breathing. Just generally feeling crappy. 7 days to go.
Kohl’d as Ice
I’ve had a little run in with a US department store, Kohls. It started on April 14 when I received a notification, addressed to ‘Todd Holland’ with account details for my new Kohl’s account, which I didn’t create. At first, I thought it was spam or phishing, but the store is legit and the email […]
A Tale of Four Doctors
This week, I had my first surgical consultation with the team of doctors at Royal North Shore Hospital who will be removing my thyroid, the 8cm tumour attached to it, and the lymph nodes nearby. The head surgeon, a Professor of Surgery at a Sydney university who has reputedly done 14,000 thyroid removals, was first […]