UOW conducted an open day yesterday, and thankfully the rain held off, unlike the rest of the weekend.
Tag: uow
Starting a PhD
Following completion of my honours year in 2012, I applied for and received admission to a PhD program at the University of Wollongong, and an Australian Postgraduate Award. I’m looking forward to beginning work on the project, but at this stage it is still in the very early developmental phase so I’m finding it hard […]
While buzzing around the University of Wollongong website yesterday, I came across this little news story talking about the role of television in constructing ideas about the nation. The story talked about a seminar at UOW today titled ‘Television, Popular Memory and the Nation’, which is very similar to the topic of my honours thesis. […]
Reflections of An Undergrad
I have set this post to auto-publish at around the moment I will be graduating from my undergrad degree. The ceremony starts at 2:30pm! For the duration of this post, I’m going to ignore the fact that I have just applied to do an hounours year, and focus on celebrating the completion of my first […]

My honours research proposal, as submitted to UoW: My honours research will attempt to trace the spread of a variety of memes and motifs in digital media. It will not aim to provide predictive tools – though perhaps some will emerge – but instead to examine the common characteristics of cross-media memes and motifs. The […]
I Am Rotaract

Rotaract is a world-wide service organisation sponsored by Rotary. Rotaract Club are effectively Rotary clubs for people aged 18-30. I first became aware of Rotaract when I attended a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp in 2005. At that camp, I made many friends and lifelong contacts. I even scored my first post-school job from […]