Academia Media

Embiggening Our Understanding

In his seminal work Imagined Communities, Benedict Anderson wrote of the ways nations are constructed – of the common symbols and artefacts that define peoples within national borders. Equally potent are the symbols used to define others within those borders, or to signify they are outsiders. It is the symbols used in The Simpsons to […]


The Simpsons, Episode 1

UPDATE: If you’ve come to this post looking for information about content analysis, you might be better served looking here, where I’ve written up a more detailed and logical post. This blog is about to have a new regular topic because I agreed on my thesis focus topic with my supervisor today and I’m keen […]

Academia Web

Honours, here I come

My honours research proposal, as submitted to UoW: My honours research will attempt to trace the spread of a variety of memes and motifs in digital media. It will not aim to provide predictive tools – though perhaps some will emerge – but instead to examine the common characteristics of cross-media memes and motifs. The […]

Media Web

Peach is in Another Castle

Do video games (and other digital media) influence society or does society influence them? Or is it a bit from Column A and a bit from Column B? There are some strong arguments that repeated exposure to violence desensitizes people and, in the case of violent video games, even spurs/trains them to commit violent acts. […]