
Some #uowopenday Twitter stats

UOW conducted an open day yesterday, and thankfully the rain held off, unlike the rest of the weekend. I was on a panel about the media, communications and journalism degrees in the Faculty of Law, Humanities and The Arts (LHA):

UOW TV put together this short package, featuring an interview with Kumi: Typically, events like this now come with a concerted social media effort, so I’ve gathered up some Twitter stats below. I gathered these through the Twitonomy platform.

A week of tweeting with the #uowopenday hashtag
A week of tweeting with the #uowopenday hashtag

According to Twitonomy, one of the most popular tweets of the day (most retweeted, equal third most favourited) was this one by Kumi:

A total of 74 users tweeted #uowopenday 237 times, with #uowlha (23 tweets), #ontopoftheworld (13), and (11) also popular among the tweeting cohort.

The geotagged tweets came from across the globe, with a particular concentration of locations in and around Wollongong itself, as you would expect.

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