Southern Highlands Rotaractors will be joining Rotarians and Rotaractors from over 100 clubs at the District Conference in Canberra this month. Alongside the conference events, there will be a special Rotaract Laser Tag night. It will be a great chance to catch up with old friends and make lots of new ones while hearing about […]
Tag: rotary has just released a bunch of tools that allow users to display stats from Twitter and Facebook in infographics. I used one of the tools to compare the Twitter accounts @Rotary and @Rotaract. Rotary monstered Rotaract on almost all the measurements. While on one hand the results were unsurprising, on the other hand they […]
It’s Just a Conference
In 2010, I attended the Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference in Sydney. It was the first time APRRC had been held in Australia. Evidently, Australians had been conspicuous by their absence from conferences elsewhere. The Sydney conference was a good first attempt, given many of the organisers had never been to one before. Nonetheless, there […]
I Like My Work
I’m looking for work at the moment, which is always an interesting experience. I found a flexible, interesting job for a social media coordinator. Given I started a company doing this sort of work, I figured I ought to apply for this one. It’s not until you are forced to sit down and spell out […]
Decisions to be Made
I’ve been putting it off, but time moves inexorably, and it won’t stop (nor even slow) for me. I have to really make some careful decisions about where I want my life to go – not just for the next six months or year, but for decades. If you follow this blog, you may know […]
A Busy Rotaract Week
On the way home from the 2011 Australian Rotaract Conference, I got thinking about the week ahead. I hadn’t quite realised just how busy it was shaping up to be. Amongst rehearsals for Grease, work and uni work, I have a lot of stuff to do for Rotaract: Tonight (Monday), our club is hosting the […]
Kind Words
I recently asked a Rotarian friend for a written reference, and was pleasantly surprised with some of his comments. It also encouraged me to have a rethink of how I perceive myself. He wrote: I would describe Travis as a community builder. As a leader he clearly demonstrates a capacity for consensus building and impartiality. […]
I Am Rotaract

Rotaract is a world-wide service organisation sponsored by Rotary. Rotaract Club are effectively Rotary clubs for people aged 18-30. I first became aware of Rotaract when I attended a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp in 2005. At that camp, I made many friends and lifelong contacts. I even scored my first post-school job from […]