
The Nuclear Family

In the course of reading up to ground myself in Springfield’s esteemed academic circles, I came across a work called Atomistic Politics and the Nuclear Family. The article presents a case – though it has a few holes – that The Simpsons actually presents a strong image of family. The family values are couched in […]


Simpsons Resources

I’m going to update this post as I go with useful resources for my thesis. Springfieldians Twitter List: I set up this list and added to it tweeps who are: “Inhabitants, observers and contributors of Springfield.” That is, the tweeps on the list are either Simpsons fans, accounts (claiming) to be Simpson’s characters, or people […]


The Simpsons, Episode 1

UPDATE: If you’ve come to this post looking for information about content analysis, you might be better served looking here, where I’ve written up a more detailed and logical post. This blog is about to have a new regular topic because I agreed on my thesis focus topic with my supervisor today and I’m keen […]