Academia Media Social Media Web

A Framework of Questions

Some questions to consider during my PhD project.

  • Why do local governments use social networks? Is it because the councillors think its a good idea? Because the managers do? Is there a push from the ‘citizen’ for social media use? Is it just what everyone else is doing?
  • How do local governments use social networks? Is it for consultation or broadcast? Do they only use it during unusual events like emergencies? Why do they do it this way?
  • What other participatory media are being used? Do they have wikis? What functionality do their websites have? Do councillors formally crowdsource motions, ideas, etc?
  • Are local governments using participatory media under a well-defined framework, or on the fly? Is there a broad strategy or ad hoc adaptation?
  • What is eGovernment and how does it apply to local governments? Do local governments pay attention to concepts like ‘eGovernment’? Do they know what it means?
  • What is participatory about local government? Is the citizen only relevant at election time?
  • What does the citizen think about all of this? Do they care?

If you think you can offer some insight into any or all of these, I’d be happy to hear from you. Leave a comment or tweet me.

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