Community Politics/Government

Wingecarribee Council to Overhaul the Civic Centre

Wingecarribee Shire Council has announced their intention to renovate the Shire’s ageing Civic Centre today. General Manager Jason Gordon says the building is in need of some major work: in its current state the building does not meet numerous modern building codes including accessibility and mobility, environmental, customer and Workplace Health and Safety standards. Council […]


Take Me to the Fifties

I’ve just spent the last few months helping to put the final touches on massive project for the Southern Highlands Youth Arts Council (SHYAC). Grease took between 15 and 35 hours each week since early September, and a large amount of time before that. I think I’ve been working on the project since about September 2010, […]


It’s Almost Here

For the production team, and SHYAC, Grease has been about twelve months worth of work. But, it is nearly here. The show itself looks brilliant, and our advertising blitz kicks in this week. The campaign includes the following radio ad, courtesy of local station 2ST. Check it out: SHYAC Grease Ad