
The University of Regional Australia?

The Universities Accord interim report indicates an interest in the establishment of a National Regional University (following the 2008 Bradley Review recommendation for just such an institution). The interim report states: The Review is considering the views of stakeholders who believe that establishing a NRU as a second national university, with a distinctive institutional and […]

Academia Studies

Finding a communication career in space through the SHSSP

A reflection on my participation in the Southern Hemisphere Space Studies Program and what it means for my career.

Academia Uncategorized

Why Undergraduate Degrees are More Like Buying a Car than a House

There is a clear pattern of thinking about the value of higher education in purely economic terms. Questions about how much graduates earn dominate mass media discussion of the industry (1, 2, 3) while university marketers talk almost endlessly about employability (4, 5, 6). Meanwhile, academics themselves squabble about higher purposes. The mismatch in this […]