I’m looking for work at the moment, which is always an interesting experience. I found a flexible, interesting job for a social media coordinator. Given I started a company doing this sort of work, I figured I ought to apply for this one.
It’s not until you are forced to sit down and spell out your skills that you really get an idea of what you can and cannot do. Or at least what you think you can and cannot do. In addition to attaching a PDF of my LinkedIn profile, I wrote a covering letter doing what you do in covering letters – boasting. Here are some extracts (keep in mind that I, as everyone does in job applications, am trying to sell myself in the best light here):
I am a very experienced, adaptable and adept user of all kinds of social media. I maintain my own accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Foursquare, Google Plus and others. Additionally, I manage/d a variety of social media profiles on behalf of other entities, as outlined in the table below.
Organisation Social Media Status Rotaract Club of the Southern Highlands Three websites; Twitter; two Facebook pages; LinkedIn; YouTube; Flickr. Current Rotary in the Southern Highlands Facebook; two websites. Current Top Blokes Foundation Facebook; Twitter; blog; YouTube; LinkedIn; general strategy. Current Anjali House Developed a Facebook fan page welcome tab. Current The Fat Tulip Three websites; blog; Twitter; three Facebook pages; LinkedIn; Google Plus. Current Southern Highlands Youth Arts Council Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter; YouTube; Flickr; SCVNGR; Scribd; Website. Past Southern Highlands Foundation Facebook; Twitter. Current Wingecarribee Youth Forum Facebook. Current …
In addition to being an experienced and skilled social media content producer, I am experienced at writing for blogs and I have useful HTML skills. At present, my Klout score is hovering at around 50, which is quite high for a person without an offline profile beyond my community.
I am proficient with social blogging platforms such as Tumblr and also more advanced content management systems such as WordPress. I am also able to easily create and manage RSS to Twitter and RSS to Facebook feeds. I keep up to date with social media trends, and join early adopters in testing new tools and websites.
As I said at the top, this is always an interesting experiment. It certainly shows up my skills though and that is something I am proud of.