
A Rotaract Weekend

The Rotaract Club of the Southern Highlands has a busy weekend:

  • Our trivia event So You Think You Know Christmas on Friday night was successful. While fewer people came along than we might have hoped, everyone had a really great night. We raised about $200, which the club has decided to donate to the Bowral Youth Refuge. We will be topping that up with funds from our club accounts. The exact amount is still under discussion.
  • Meghan and I visited our fellow District 9710 club in Canberra overnight on Saturday. We were graciously hosted by club President Jess and had dinner and drinks with a few other Canberra members. It was great to catch up with all of the other Rotaractors and have a bit of a debrief on the year that has been and a talk about the year to come. Thanks for having us!
  • Next weekend, Meghan and I will be participating in the District Rotaract Committee meeting in Canberra. That meeting will choose our District Rotaract Representative for 2012-13. The DRR’s main job is to oversee and assist clubs in the district, and help new clubs to establish themselves. The DRR also represents our district on the Rotaract Australia governing council.
  • Meghan has nominated to be Chair of the national Rotaract marketing committee. I am also on that committee, and we are looking forward to supporting clubs across the country to market and promote themselves.

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